Under normal Circumstances all the structures of the eye in the path of light rays allow it to focus on the retina thus creating a sharp image that is transmitted to the brain. There are several structures within the eye that helps see an image clearly.

  • Cornea: - It is a dome shaped tissue forming the front part of the eye. It allows light to enter the eye to begin the process of seeing images.
  • Lens: - A flexible, transparent tissue rests behind the iris and the pupil. The lens is flexible and it changes it curved shape to focus on the object, people and nearby scenes.
  • Retina: - It helps the transmission of visual information to the brain through the optic nerve. A light-sensitive tissue, a sensory membrane composed of several layers and contains two special cells called photoreceptors.

In certain cases, the light is prevented from focusing on the retina due to the shape of the cornea, the aging of the lens or the length of the eyeball – this can lead to refractive errors.

Type Of Refractive Error


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